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Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Medical malpractice is a unique type of personal injury: it is negligence or incompetence by a medical professional that occurs during a procedure or treatment. Such negligence includes, but is not limited to, an improperly performed surgery, failure to fully inform the patient of the risks of a procedure, or performance of a procedure to which the patient did not consent.

If you suspect your physician may have provided incompetent medical treatment, seek alternative medical attention immediately. After being treated, consult a personal injury lawyer in South Philadelphia to discuss a potential medical malpractice claim. Pennsylvania imposes a deadline within which a plaintiff may bring a medical malpractice suit. The Caiazzo Law Offices are highly-skilled South Philadelphia personal injury attorneys who will preserve that deadline (the “statute of limitations”) and zealously work to protect your legal interests.

Bringing Suit Against Your Physician

The law imposes on medical professionals a duty to practice according to a standard that protects patients from unreasonable risk of harm. When a physician’s conduct fails to meet that standard, he or she has breached a legal duty. When that breach harms a patient, the physician’s conduct is the cause of injury, and the patient has suffered legal damage. The physician could be liable for negligence in this case.

Generally, the injured patient becomes the plaintiff, or the suing party, in a medical malpractice case. However, the patient’s family member(s) may have a derivative, or third-party, claim in some unique cases.

Hold Medical
Professionals Accountable

Contact Attorney Caiazzo

Bringing the appropriate claims (“causes of action”) determines the legal compensation to which you may be entitled. Depending on the facts of your case, Mr. Caiazzo may also allege Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress and/or possibly a cause of action called battery.

Including the proper defendants, e.g. a hospital or other medical professionals involved, also can also affect your case’s outcome.

Mr. Caiazzo will counsel you regarding all the causes of action and defendants to include in the suit to seek the maximum recovery for your damages.

Retaining Legal Counsel

If you or a loved one suffered an injury due to a medical professional’s incompetence, please contact Mr. Anthony Caiazzo, a personal injury lawyer in South Philadelphia. Caiazzo Law Offices possesses a wealth of experience in medical malpractice and will vigorously represent you in your lawsuit.